About CEAS® IV: Observational Tools to Quantify Ergonomics Risk Factors
After over 2 years of intensive work The Back School is proud to announce our most comprehensive and interactive ergonomics assessment certification course ever, CEAS IV.
Martha Frame, PT, MBA, CEAS III instructs you on “how and when” to use 17 different ergonomics assessment tools for industrial, manufacturing, healthcare and office job environments. Martha offers audio/visual instructor commentary across the entire 600+ slide presentation, a Back School first!
The CEAS IV certification course will be an invaluable resource for the professional conducting ergonomics assessments in all type of settings.
Each tool is methodically explained and completed along with reviews of validity and job tasks they are best used to address.
Please note this is a Highly Advanced Course. Previous experience and knowledge of ergonomics assessments is highly recommended before attempting this course. CEAS IV is a perfect addition for the ergonomist who has completed our CEAS I, II and III series.
Individuals wanting advanced knowledge and confidence in performing ergonomics assessments will achieve that with CEAS IV.
This 4 Module Course provides the following information.
In the Material Handling module, you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation –RNLE
- Washington Industrial Safety & Health Act–WISHA
- ACGIH- Threshold Limiting Value- TLV-Lifting
- Snook/Liberty Mutual Tables
- Risk Assessment & Management Tool for Manual Handling Proactively - RAMP I & II
- Material Handling Assessment Charts- MAC
In the Upper Extremity Assessment module, you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Rapid Upper Limb Assessment- RULA
- Revised Strain Index- RSI
- ACGIH Threshold Limit Value for Hand Activity Levels – TLV – HAL
- Assessment of Repetitive Tasks - ART
- Occupational Repetitive Actions Checklist – OCRA
In the Postural Assessments tools module, you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Rapid Upper Limb Assessment – RULA
- Rapid Entire Body Assessment – REBA
- Loading on Upper Body Assessment – LUBA
- Ovako Working Posture Analysis System – OWAS
- Rapid Office Strain Assessment - ROSA
In the Global Assessment tools module, you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Risk Management Assessment Tool of Material Handling Proactively (RAMP I & II)
- Quick Exposure Check - QEC
- Rodgers Muscle Fatigue Analysis – RMFA
CEAS IV will allow you to develop a new level of expertise and skills as well as the confidence that you are choosing the best ergonomics assessment tools for any specific scenario.
Course Objectives:
- Perform Semi Quantitative Ergonomic Assessments for a variety of tasks encountered in an industrial and office setting
- Compare and contrast the various Semi Quantitative assessment tools to determine the most appropriate tool(s) to use for a specific job/task
- Describe the strengths and limitations of each assessment tool
Browser Compatibility
Currently our online certifications work best with the FireFox browser which can be downloaded for free HERE.
This course is currently pre-approved for Continuing Education CEs by the BOC. The Back School is also an AOTA Approved Provider (#4849) and is authorized to offer AOTA 24 contact hours for this class. AOTA Classification Codes: Category 1: Domain of OT & Category 2: Occupational Therapy Process. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA or indicate AOTA approval of a certification or other professional recognition. The Back School is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. CEAS II Online is approved as an interactive distance learning - independent activity for 24 category A CEUs and is introductory level for professional issues. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products or clinical practices.
The Back School recommends 8 hours of CEUs in ergonomics every 2 years following the date of certification.
This and many of our courses are currently or have in the past been pre-approved for continuing education credit by most state PT boards. Other specialities/professional disciplines should be able to submit for individual credit but it is important for you to contact your state licensing board or professional credentialing board for information regarding policies and the amount of continuing education credits allowed for online courses.
View the Workshop Presentation Modules. Take and pass a 100-question exam with a 90% correct score.
There is a 90-day time-frame allotted to complete the course.
Refunds are not available for distance learning courses.
Who Should Register
PTs, OTs, CHTs, RNs, PT Students, Certified Safety Professionals, Industrial Engineers, Risk Managers, Ergonomists, Human Resources Professionals, PTAs, OTAs, ATs, NPs, OT Students, Industrial Hygienists, Chiropractors, Claims Managers, Safety Committee Members, Office Furniture Sales and anyone wanting to learn how to decrease risk of onsite employee injury and increase employee productivity and satisfaction.
Martha Frame, PT, MBA, CEAS IV

Marty Frame is a licensed physical therapist who has spent most of her career working with patients with industrial injuries. She has extensive experience in functional capacity evaluations, work hardening/conditioning and ergonomics. She has worked on-site with patient treatment and injury prevention at Fortune 500 companies including Frito Lay Inc, Siemens, Ford, Lockheed, MeadWestvaco and Cenveo in addition to many smaller employers in the greater Atlanta area.
Marty is currently president of Physical Therapy Specialists, Inc. in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Her current practice is limited to performing ergonomic assessments in healthcare, office and manufacturing environments, Functional Capacity Evaluations and Impairment Ratings. She is also the ergonomic consultant for Northside Hospital.
Marty received her BS degree in physical therapy from The Ohio State University, her MS in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine and her MBA from Emory University. She is a member of the APTA and the Occupational Health Special Interest Group. She also regularly participates with the Atlanta Applied Ergonomics Network.
In this module you'll be introduced to the concepts and assessments covered in CEAS IV. You will learn to:
- Perform Semi Quantitative Ergonomics Assessments for a variety of tasks encountered in an industrial and office setting
- Compare and contrast the various Semi Quantitative assessment tools to determine the most appropriate tool(s) to use for a specific job/task
- Describe the strengths and limitations of each assessment tool
In Material Handling you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation –RNLE
- Washington Industrial Safety & Health Act–WISHA
- ACGIH- Threshold Limiting Value- TLV-Lifting
- Snook/Liberty Mutual Tables
- Risk Assessment & Management Tool for Manual Handling Proactively - RAMP I & II
- Material Handling Assessment Charts- MAC
In this module you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Rapid Upper Limb Assessment- RULA
- Revised Strain Index- RSI
- ACGIH Threshold Limit Value for Hand Activity Levels – TLV – HAL
- Assessment of Repetitive Tasks - ART
- Occupational Repetitive Actions Checklist – OCRA
In this module you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Rapid Upper Limb Assessment – RULA
- Rapid Entire Body Assessment – REBA
- Loading on Upper Body Assessment – LUBA
- Ovako Working Posture Analysis System – OWAS
- Rapid Office Strain Assessment - ROSA
In this module you will learn about the following assessment tools:
- Risk Management Assessment Tool of Material Handling Proactively (RAMP I & II)
- Quick Exposure Check - QEC
- Rodgers Muscle Fatigue Analysis – RMFA
Information NECESSARY for completion of your 100 question CEAS IV Exam