11:00AM-5:00PM Eastern Time Day 1 / 11:00AM-5:00PM Eastern Time Day 2
Includes Access to 4-Hour Self Guided Practicum
Learn To Perform Ergonomics Assessments In An Engaging, Live-Online Setting
***NOTE*** This workshop is part-one of a two-part certification program. Part two consists of a self-paced, four-hour online practicum that includes a multiple choice exam along with two practice assessments that must be submitted for review.
This highly engaging, interactive 2-day workshop is a broad-based, introductory-level instruction that teaches the foundations of basic OSHA-compliant ergonomics assessments. You will learn the skills you need to analyze multiple task jobs in the office, industrial/manufacturing, and healthcare environments using OSHA ergonomics survey tools – W-1, D-2 and WAC. With a combination of group work and individual practice you will come to understand best practices for implementation of cost-effective, high-impact solutions for the prevention of workplace injury. We will cover performing office and non-office ergonomics assessments with focus on identifying risk factors and determining solutions and opportunities for improvements.
- Identify where the body is susceptible to injuries and analyze the causes, signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders.
- Apply the OSHA ergonomics jobsite analysis forms W-1, D-2 and WAC in performing multiple task ergonomics assessments.
- Identify and apply effective methods for controlling risk factors.
- Analyze and construct injury prevention strategies.
- Design ergonomics problem solving solutions.
- Examine successful marketing techniques for ergonomics programs.
At the successful completion of the workshop you will be awarded your certification designating you as a Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist® (CEAS®). 11 Contact Hours
This course is currently pre-approved for CEUs by the AOTA, BOC, CRCC and COPSKT. AOTA Classification Codes: Category 1: Domain of OT & Category 2: Occupational Therapy Process. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA or indicate AOTA approval of a certification or other professional recognition. The Back School is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. CEAS I Hybrid is approved as an interactive distance learning activity for 15 category A CEUs and is introductory level for professional issues. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products or clinical practices.
This and many of our courses are currently or have in the past been pre-approved for continuing education credit by most state PT boards. Other specialities/professional disciplines should be able to submit for individual credit but it is important for you to contact your state licensing board or professional credentialing board for information regarding policies and the amount of continuing education credits allowed.
Participants must be present for all 11 hours of class work which includes class participation and group work.
Participants will then be given complimentary access to a 4-Hour Practicum via Promo Code that consists of a 100 Question Exam and 2 Case Studies. Both the live instruction and practicum must be completed to attain the CEAS certification.
The case studies consist of two final ergonomics reports (one office and one industrial ergonomics evaluation) with their attendant WEAR (Worksite Ergonomics Assessment Reports) reports and the OSHA assessment tool used in the evaluation, either the W-1, WAC or D-2.
- Tuition: $665.00
Tuition is refundable less $50.00 if canceled 14 days before the workshop date. Tuition is not refundable under any circumstance, for registrations or cancellations after the 14 days has expired. However, you may have someone attend in your place or attend at another date. You may only change workshop dates up to two times, then tuition will be forfeited. In the event of cancellation by The Back School, registrants will be refunded in full.
Who Should Register
PTs, PTAs, PT Students, OTs, OTAs, OT Students, CHTs, Athletic Trainers, RNs, NPs, Certified Safety Professionals, Risk Managers, Claims Managers, Safety Committee Members, Human Resources Professionals, Industrial Engineers, Industrial Hygienists, Ergonomists, Chiropractors, Office Furniture Sales and anyone wanting to learn how to decrease risk of onsite employee injury and increase employee productivity and satisfaction.
Financial/Non-financial Disclosures
The Back School has no financial or non-financial conflicts of interest to disclose

Jamie McGaha is a licensed occupational therapist and certified hand therapist who practices in outpatient hand therapy in Denver, CO. Jamie’s practice experience includes a variety of upper extremity diagnoses ranging from cumulative trauma and musculoskeletal disorders to traumatic and post-operative orthopedic injuries. In addition to Jamie’s full-time clinical work, she is experienced in ergonomic assessments and interventions for the office worker, automotive assembly line, and the flooring installer trade. Previously, she has also served as an assistant faculty member at the University of St. Augustine’s Occupational Therapy program in Austin, TX.
Jamie earned her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis with a research emphasis on ergonomics and upper extremity disorders. Jamie is a certified orthopedic manual therapist for the upper extremity, has current and ongoing research on the topic of thumb arthritis, and is a member of the American Society for Hand Therapists. Jamie’s research is published in peer reviewed journals such as Applied Ergonomics and Journal of Hand Therapy.

Jamie McGaha is a licensed occupational therapist and certified hand therapist who practices in outpatient hand therapy in Denver, CO. Jamie’s practice experience includes a variety of upper extremity diagnoses ranging from cumulative trauma and musculoskeletal disorders to traumatic and post-operative orthopedic injuries. In addition to Jamie’s full-time clinical work, she is experienced in ergonomic assessments and interventions for the office worker, automotive assembly line, and the flooring installer trade. Previously, she has also served as an assistant faculty member at the University of St. Augustine’s Occupational Therapy program in Austin, TX.
Jamie earned her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis with a research emphasis on ergonomics and upper extremity disorders. Jamie is a certified orthopedic manual therapist for the upper extremity, has current and ongoing research on the topic of thumb arthritis, and is a member of the American Society for Hand Therapists. Jamie’s research is published in peer reviewed journals such as Applied Ergonomics and Journal of Hand Therapy.

Jamie McGaha is a licensed occupational therapist and certified hand therapist who practices in outpatient hand therapy in Denver, CO. Jamie’s practice experience includes a variety of upper extremity diagnoses ranging from cumulative trauma and musculoskeletal disorders to traumatic and post-operative orthopedic injuries. In addition to Jamie’s full-time clinical work, she is experienced in ergonomic assessments and interventions for the office worker, automotive assembly line, and the flooring installer trade. Previously, she has also served as an assistant faculty member at the University of St. Augustine’s Occupational Therapy program in Austin, TX.
Jamie earned her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis with a research emphasis on ergonomics and upper extremity disorders. Jamie is a certified orthopedic manual therapist for the upper extremity, has current and ongoing research on the topic of thumb arthritis, and is a member of the American Society for Hand Therapists. Jamie’s research is published in peer reviewed journals such as Applied Ergonomics and Journal of Hand Therapy.
Introduction to Ergonomics/OSHA Standards/Guidelines & Government Research |
11:00-1:00 |
Outline current theories on ergonomics. Explain current OSHA standards/guidelines and NIOSH research pertaining to ergonomics and injury prevention |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
1:00-1:15 |
“Ergonomics Eyes” – Using OSHA W-1 Basic Screening Tool to Identify Risk Factors for MSDs |
1:15-2:15 |
Explain and practice use of OSHA W-1 Basic Screening tool for identifying risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in industrial/manufacturing, healthcare and office job tasks |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion, Video and Participation |
2:15-2:45 |
Risk Factor Solutions: - Introduction to Options for Risk Factor Modification or Control |
2:45- 3:15 |
Outline OSHA techniques for risk factor modification or control using engineering, administrative, personal protective equipment (PPE) or work practices solutions |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion, Videotapes and Participation |
3:15-3:30 |
“Ergonomics Eyes” – Using OSHA D-2 Workstation Checklist to Identify Risk Factors for MSDs |
3:30-4:00 |
Explain and practice use of OSHA D-2 VDT Workstation Checklist for identifying risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in office tasks |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
Office Ergonomics: Review of Options for Risk Factor Modification or Control and Product Review |
4:00-5:00 |
Apply risk assessment skills for investigation and selection of appropriate solutions for risk factor modification or control in office job tasks |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion, Video |
Healthcare Ergonomics: Introduction to Risk Factor Identification |
11:00-12:00 |
Identify and practice skills for healthcare ergonomics assessment and risk factor modification or control |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
Risk Factor Solutions: - Options for Risk Factor Modification or Control |
12:00 –1:00 |
Analyze and Explain techniques for risk factor modification or control using engineering, administrative, personal protective equipment (PPE) or work practices solutions for industry/manufacturing tasks |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
1:00-1:30 |
Review of Anatomical Areas Susceptible to Injury- Neck, Lower Back, Upper Extremity and Lower Extremity |
1:30-2:15 |
Identify and outline the anatomical areas susceptible to injury and the causes, signs and symptoms of MSDs of the spine, upper and lower extremities |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion, Video, Participation |
2:15-2:30 |
Additional Risk Factor Assessment Tools- WISHA & NIOSH Lifting Equation |
2:30-3:15 |
Explain, Demonstrate and practice using other OSHA & NIOSH ergonomics risk factor assessment tools |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
Compiling Ergonomics Assessment Reports for Clients |
3:15-4:00 |
Explain the correct elements of a legally defensible ergonomics assessment report for clients |
Q &A, Discussion Evaluation of Workshop |
Marketing of Ergonomics Services |
4:00-4:45 |
Explain fees and how to market ergonomics services to management and outside clients |
Lecture, Power Point, Discussion |
Day Two Wrap-up |
4:45-5:00 |
Q &A, Discussion Evaluation of Workshop |